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Fall arrest harness for rescue in confined spaces. With this harness, in the event of a fall, a completely vertical rescue can be performed, avoiding hitting obstacles during the rescue. It also includes adjustable chest and leg straps.
It has a dorsal fall arrest ring, evacuation/rescue triangle and front fall arrest ring.
All metal components are made of high-strength zinc-plated steel, defering excellent durability over time.
As standard, they incorporate the new Irucheck NFC technology.
Mixcoindustry does not allow any product returns, unless:
- the wrong size is received by the customer, in which the wrong item will be replaced by the right item if it´s available in stock. A refund will be applied if the right item is not available in stock.
- the company agrees to replace an item that has been confirmed to be defective and fall under the company´s warranty policy
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